APRICOT Springboard Level 14 CD
通常価格:¥ 880 税込
¥ 792 税込 88円OFF 10%OFF
商品コード: 9784899915447
このCDにLevel 14 の8冊分の音声を収録!
14-a Listen to Me Word Count: 327
14-b Brian Fixit Word Count: 317
14-c This Little Boy(nonfiction) Word Count: 305
14-d A Hot Day at the Farm Word Count: 321
14-e Ringo the Dingo Word Count: 314
14-f People and Gorillas(nonfiction) Word Count: 303
14-g Bessie Bunyip Word Count: 321
14-h Who Works at the Supermarket?(nonfiction) Word Count: 325